Presently we represent 4 DMCs that operate in 9 different countries:
Índia, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Maldives
United States of America
Índia, Nepal, Butão, Sri Lanka e Maldivas
Please contact us by telephone or email.
Do you want to be represented by DMC Links?
Find out more about our destinations
Promotion and sales support of our represented companies and their destinations and products to the Portuguese travel agencies and tour operators through frequent personal visits, calls and emails.
Market studies and analysis specific to clients’ needs.
Negotiating and contracting with Tour Operators on behalf of our clients.
Regular mailing activities with information and sales promotions.
Publishing of periodic newsletters advertising the key destinations of the represented companies and passing to travel operators keen information on each destination.
Assist in the planning and implementation of marketing and promotional campaigns.
Assistance in our clients’ visits to Portugal
Representation in tourism fairs and tradeshows.
Planning and participation on road shows, workshops, seminars and custom product presentations.
Organization of fam trips.
Presence and promotion on the DMClinks web site.
A DMClinks - Destinos MC services are tailor-made and we have the flexibility to adapt to each new product or partner.Our primary services are:
Destinos MC is a representation company providing marketing, consulting, business liaison services and sales assistance, for the Travel and Tourism Industry, including DMCs and hotels and resorts interested in expanding their businesses into the Portuguese market-place.
We carefully select our partners, believing in their qualities and strengths and we know how to make them grow to be references in the market. We provide a very active coverage of the Portuguese market with the objective of developing and increasing business for our represented companies.
We believe that the most effective way to attain these goals is through a permanent contact with travel agents and tour operators by telephone, e-mail and frequent personal visits. DMClinks has a database of more than 1500 Portuguese travel agencies to support this operating policy.
Destination Management in Portugal